What is Family Constellation?
Family Constellation is a method of family therapy developed by Bert Hellinger that uncovers hidden patterns and events unfolding in your life, your kids, and your relationships. Divorce, suicide, loss of money, illness, addictions, and more can be looked at from the perspective of Family Constellations, or “trauma therapy” coined from Mark Wolynn.
“There is a deep need for justice and retribution within family systems. The family and the extended family behave as if they belong to a common soul.” —Bert Hellinger (Book: Supporting Love)
Long ago a brilliant man named Bert (Anton) Hellinger founded CONSTELLATION THERAPY, after living in South Africa for over 16 years—spending time with the Zulu Tribe first as a missionary for the Christain Church. He observed and participated in inter-racial, ecumenical training in the early 1960s, which laid the groundwork for his therapy concerning a phenomenological orientation. He began researching the representative phenomenon in 1978 and discovered the basic orders of life, which he called ORDERS OF LOVE. These “orders” formed the basis of Family Constellation Therapy.
Bert went back to the USA to work with PRIMAL Therapist Dr. Janov. “Primal Therapy is aimed at eradicating these pains. It is revolutionary because it involves overthrowing the neurotic system by a forceful upheaval. Nothing short of that will eliminate neurosis, in my opinion.” – from The Primal Scream by Dr. Arthur Janov
We all are creatures of need. We are born needing, and the vast majority of us die after a lifetime of struggle with many of our needs unfulfilled. These needs are not excessive—to be fed, kept warm and dry, to grow and develop at our own pace, to be held and caressed, and to be stimulated. These Primal needs are the central reality of the infant. The neurotic process begins when these needs go unmet for any length of time. A newborn does not know that he should be picked up when he cries or that he should not be weaned too early, but when his needs go unattended, he hurts. (Dr. Arthur Janov)
“I worked with Lisa Marie last week. She was able to reach deep into my soul during a constellation therapy session. Beautiful, revealing and cleansing experience. And then I revelled in the feelings and the learnings all day as I continued to think about life, pleasure, relationships, family and ultimately death. I feel like an age-old weight has been lifted off me. Past hurts vanished. And I feel energized.” —Daren
The Universe comprises a pair of opposites (Yin/Yang, positive/negative, up/down.) Your system gets pulled towards another system to heal parts, make a whole, or integrate what’s missing. When you consummate your love with another, you also create a bond or an “entanglement” with them and their systems. This commingling of systems allows for the power of love to heal, find order, and for souls to accept their fate, no matter how grave, violent or sad.
Life comes to you through your parents, and their parents, and their parents .... Not accepting this gift and blessing is like rejecting yourself; you may sense this empty or void of feeling that enshrouds your life. A sense of purpose escapes you. Life MOVES us forward—how can you (move forward with relationships, jobs and ideas) if you have bonds from the past holding you in place or pulling you backwards?
“This workshop was very powerful, I wasn't expecting to feel the emotions so strongly about unpacking my own family dynamic while also being comfortable role playing in others constellations. Lisa was very present, professional, and focused to keep the experience authentic and inclusive. It's a mix of discussion, journaling, and role playing family members for one another. It's very weird to see how strangers position themselves to represent your family dynamic, at first it seemed faked but by the end you experience the magic of collective field energy. The 4 hours fly by, and I was surprised about what came up out of nowhere which has given me insight to continue to work on strengthening ties, letting go, setting boundaries for future etc. TYSM for this! It's good to keep going to more.” —Deb
Lisa Belter & Mark Wolynn 2019
CONSTELLATION Workshops with my teacher Mark
Mark Wolynn—My teacher is “the Director of The Family Constellation Institute in San Francisco; Mark is a world leader in the field of Inherited Family Trauma. A bestselling author and sought-after lecturer, he teaches worldwide at hospitals, clinics, conferences, universities, and teaching centers.”
Working under Mark’s intelligent wisdom since 2010 has been my pleasure. I didn’t know then that I would teach “the work” until last year (2020). I was still puzzled about why my current relationship wasn’t working out even though I had been immersed in the teachings and practicing on and off over the past ten years. Why were my two older sisters or I not ever married?
I dug through my books again, re-reading Mark and Bert Hellinger’s works, which propelled me into a magical journey of my soul. It unfolded like a lotus flower with a fragrance that can not be manufactured.
Edward Raymond & Iris Belter, Circa 1965 and their three daughters, Circa 1994 (Girls photo by Ian Groll)
In the beginning, how I found Mark and “the work” was intimately personal to accepting what was being presented. Bruce Hoffman is a well-known homeopathic doctor in Calgary, AB, Canada, and I was on his monthly mailing list. I received an email showcasing that a live workshop was available in the coming weeks. I registered because I had a weighty question—a decision on my mind that I thought the weekend might answer.
My Grandmother Berta McLeod with her four girls (Left to right: Aldyth, Alyse, Julie and Iris (my mother) at the orphanage where they were given up for adoption, Saskatchewan, Circa 1949
Do I keep my baby or not? I couldn’t find love for the father, and we had just broken up weeks before I found out I was pregnant. I couldn’t decide. I had this pain and confusion about my life and what I wanted. I was in no shape financially to keep the baby, and her father wasn’t the kind of man I saw myself with, even though he mentioned getting married as a result of this news.
I attended the workshop and listened to what Mark had to say about families, inherited trauma and choices we make out of love for our family. My system was broken. Was I going to give up another baby like my grandmother? His words hit me hard; I decided that day to keep my child and figure out my life entangled with her father.
That was thirteen years ago. I love my daughter completely, and “this work” has enabled me to heal parts of my past, especially with my mother. I can openly receive her love and hold a place for the people who were forgotten or dismissed inside my heart—as they all belong to my system.
This work is profound for me, as I speak from direct impact and experience of correcting and balancing the field.
Every time I have taken a course from Mark or re-read his book (It Didn’t Start With You), I am taken on a voyage into the stars. The healing that I have been able to do, reaching far back even to my great, great grandmother, has been profound. Honouring the forgotten members of our family and giving them a place in my heart has been the most beautiful work I have witnessed.
I decided long ago that my service to the world was to provide a new perspective for others to heal.
I have been leading courses for over 10+ years in:
Values Determination (from Dr. John Demartini)
Feng Shui (from Master Lin Yun)
Women/Men Relationships & Wellness (from David Deida and John Wineland)
Constellation Workshops (from Mark Wolynn)
I desire to make what’s broken whole, coming from even the most burdened systems of adoption, death, betrayal, incest, rape and more.
I honour Bert Hellinger for bringing this amazing type of therapy into the world and for
Mark Wolynn and his journey brought this so prevalently into North America. And a
deep, heartfelt thank you to Dr. Bruce Hoffman, who brought Mark to Calgary and to
Mark’s assistant Kari Dunlop—she is an amazing support for the work here in Calgary, AB.